New Story Charity: The World’s First 3D Printed Community

New Story Charity: The World’s First 3D Printed Community

For families living on less than $200 per month, receiving a safe home–providing shelter from both environmental and physical danger–has the potential to change lives for generations to come. We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with New Story Charity on their mission to end global homelessness and excited to announce the unveiling of the world’s first 3D-printed community in Latin America.

Printed in 24 hours, these community-driven designs adapt to the unique culture, climate and needs of the people living there. Our approach addressed the important questions related to climate, family structure and the role that the homes can play in creating a larger community. Features that improve ventilation and offer outdoor spaces for cooking, dining and family gathering, are all part of the multiple design programs we created for the community. The roof overhang over the front and back patios provide added shade from the sun, protection from rainfall and a space for socializing

This project presents a number of exciting questions – how to innovate with a 3D printer to create a housing model that is replicable, built to last, and built to sustain multi-generational family growth; how to integrate local needs, traditions and techniques into several varied cutting edge technological designs; and how to create a structure that is simultaneously affordable, attractive, safe, and functional. The process has been beautifully collaborative and has led to creative solutions for an adaptive design born in partnership with the local community.

Learn more about New Story Charity here

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