For AI to be great, design must do good
We are excited to share an op-ed written by Yves Behar for the New York Times as part of a larger piece, “Five Artificial Intelligence Insiders in Their Own Words” which poses the question, what is the greatest promise of AI? Contributions to this important topic were given by Yves and other experts in the field, including Lila Ibrahim, Nils Gilman, Stephanie Dinkins, and Andrus Ansip, and it was an honor to bring up the point of view of design alongside their expertise.
As designers that conceive new human experiences at fuseproject, we have embraced AI, robotics and smart environments as a way to deliver simpler and deeper experiences. We have adopted AI just as we would welcome any type of new material in our design practice, meaning we use AI as a tool. Yet it is a tool with many ramifications, both positive and negative.
We have developed a sense of responsibility and a few principles even, which emerged through a number of projects over the years. From Happiest Baby Snoo for tired parents, to ElliQ and Seismic for the aging’s mind and body, Ori’s robotic furniture and August’s smart locks for homes, we now believe that a humanistic perspective in designing and conceiving with AI will allow this impactful technology to do good for all.
Read the New York Times article here
Read an expanded version on Medium
See more of our work using AI: Snoo, Ori, Elli-Q, Cobalt, Superflex and August